Contrast & Comparative Writing.
Welcome back dear classmates, hope you are super good. Today we are going to continue learning more about composition.
In the class #6 we learned about compare and contrast essays. In this type of writing you need to have two elements.Living
in the city and living in the countryside.
Living in the city and living in the
countryside have it differences but also each of them have their advantages. I born-and-raised
in the countryside, it is amazing. Also I have temporary lived in the city I
can say I have experienced a lot from both worlds. Look for a place to live
sometimes it is difficult for people that want to be comfortable in their
People in the countryside have their
own crops that help them to survive, to earn money, people work in lands
cultivating vegetables, fruit, varieties of grains such as beans, corn, coffee
and sugar cane, it contributes with the economy of the country and helps people
that live in cities. I the city you don have this kind of jobs you have other
opportunities such as working in stores, restaurants, call centers, malls,
security and so on, depending on your studies level.
Talking about education, in the countryside
for some students is difficult to get their studies, people need to walk for a
long time to arrive and attend their classes while studying in the city the
school can be close or far away from home but people have the transportation
facilities, people can take the bus whatever time they want, but in the
countryside you people have to walk so students get tired to they classes.
In the countryside there is a late transportation,
there are less busses than in the city, so people have an estimated time to
travel, in the city there are a lot of busses to go wherever you want and at
the time you need. But also it helps with the air pollution, in the countryside the air is cleaned by
trees. This kind of problems according to the World Health Organization (WHO)
the exposure to a high levels of air pollution can cause risks of several
health problems like the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease, and
lung cancer, which affect children and older adults in the city. Busses, cars, are one of the
most main pollutants in the city, other are gas emissions from industries,
garbage. In the countryside we have no much pollution but fertilizer and
pesticides are soil pollutants.
Going to the Health Center in the
countryside is difficult, sometimes people need to wake up in the early morning
an don’t have the opportunity of having a medical consultation while in the
city are alternatives there are the public
hospitals, private health Centers/hospitals were people can go. In the country
side people do not waste money in bus tickets but the health centers are not
equipped with advanced technologies, nor all the hospitals but some of them do.
The city an the countryside are
beautiful, in both you have different opportunities and different advantages
and some disadvantages, living in contact with nature is incomparable to live
in contact with air pollution in the city but every person has different needs
that make them to move to the city.
Thank you for reading me.
Till next time.
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