Persuasive Writing

Cheers dear classmates,
hope you are ready to learn
more about composition.


This was an interesting class, it was our class #5 the last class of period #1. We continued learning about Persuasive Writing but this time based on essays

So, what is an essay? --> it's a piece of academic writing where is show the perception of the writer. Were is needed to expose clear arguments and support them by convincing facts and logical reasons.

Here you have some guidelines to write your essay:

1.--> Have a strong position that you want to convince your readers to accept.

2.--> Catch the readers attention with a grabber fact about your topic.

3.--> Provide evidence to support your opinion.         

4.--> Conclude with a final effort to persuade/convince your reader to accept your argument. 

This week we had our second evaluation.

We wrote a letter to a school Pincipal.

Dear Mr. Figueroa

Greetings, I hope you are pretty good. This is Adela Borrayo your ex student, I finished my studies in 2014. I feel disappointed with what is happening in your school, and that’s why I am sending this letter. My sister that is in ninth told  me that there is a teacher that is acting like she is the owner of the school, is bad to students. In your school policy says that teacher have to respect and support emotionally to students. When I was there I had the same problem with that teacher and my uncle the deputy director of the school Mr. Murgas talked with her but I don’t know what is happening know that Mr. Murgas passed away.

Having a talk with teacher Ana asking why is she acting in a rude and disrespectful way with students? Would be good. We can ask her for a behavior change, maybe she is having troubles at home so we can help her, whether she does not change we are going to ask you to look for another teacher. I was an excellent student with good grades and good behavior, you know that! But she was rude with me, now my sister is a good student with good grades, and good behavior, and she is rude with her, too. I do not know what is the problem. I have heard other students complaining about teacher Ana. It look bad that teacher are mistreating students.

I hope you take my suggestion to talk with teacher Ana into account. So, I want you to be the best institution in this area not the worse because teachers. Blessings Mr. Figueroa.

Best regards.

➡️ Thank you for reading me.💞

Till next time.🤝
Blessings. 🌹


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