Contrast & Comparative Writing.
Welcome back dear classmates, hope you are super good. Today we are going to continue learning more about composition. In the class #6 we learned about compare and contrast essays. In this type of writing you need to have two elements. 💠 Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, so, you write the things both elements have in common. 💠 Contrast in writing discusses elements that are different, so, you describe the differences between two elements. This time our weekly task consists in the writing of a compare or contrast essay; we need to select two elements. My task: Living in the city and living in the countryside. Living in the city and living in the countryside have it differences but also each of them have their advantages. I born-and-raised in the countryside, it is amazing. Also I have temporary lived in the city I can say I have experienced a lot from both worlds. Look for a place to live sometimes it is difficult for people that want to be comfor...